Enrollment Info

Global English World Accreditations

The following information will help you to enroll. It will also help you during your time at Global English World, Auckland. Many of our policies and procedures are explained below.

How to Enroll

Fill in the enrollment form.
  1. Upon acceptance, we will send you:
    • A letter offering a place.
    • An invoice detailing the fees.
    • Information on insurance.
    • Telegraphic transfer details.
  2. Payment:
    • Send the money for your fees (including homestay and insurance, if applicable) using the account details provided on the invoice.
  3. After receiving your fees, we will send you:
    • A receipt for your payment.
    • A letter of acceptance and guarantee of place.
    • Details of your homestay family or other accommodation arrangements will be sent to you as soon as possible.
  4. Visa Arrangement:
  5. Types of Visas:
    • You can come to New Zealand to study with a Visitor Visa, a Student Visa, or a Working Holiday Visa. For courses of 3 months or less, you need only apply for a Visitor Visa or a Working Holiday Visa. For courses longer than 3 months, apply for a Student Visa. More information can be found here.
  6. Travel Arrangements:
    • As soon as you have made your travel bookings, send us your flight number, date, and time of arrival. If you paid for transport, we will meet you at Auckland International Airport and bring you to Global English World.

Entry Requirements and Assessment of Prospective International Students

Global English World offers courses at multiple levels. Students may be asked to take a short test as part of the application process. After enrollment and payment of fees, we will send an online placement test. For most students, this will be the Oxford Online Placement test. If a student does not complete this test before arrival at the school, they will do it on their first morning. This test, along with a short interview on arrival at the school, will help us find the correct class for each student.

Global English World will accept students over 16 years at all times of the year, if they meet our enrollment conditions. It is important that younger students understand that they will likely be in classes with adults and will be expected to behave accordingly and show respect to other students and staff. All students aged under 18 will need to sign our Rules for Global English World (Under 18s).

Students under the age of 18 may need to provide evidence of their school record to prove that their academic standards and attitude to study are good enough to complete a course. Students already studying in New Zealand may also need to provide a progress report before their enrollment is accepted.

Students wishing to take examination courses have to show that they can meet the demands of the course. They may be asked to take a pre-entry test.

To apply to study at Global English World, fill in our enrollment form, which is easy to understand and simple to fill in.

If your course is for 12 weeks or less, you can study with a visitor’s visa or a working holiday visa. If your course is longer than 12 weeks, you must apply for a student visa before you come to New Zealand.

Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available through Immigration New Zealand and can be viewed on their website at www.immigration.govt.nz.

In order for us to process your enrollment registration, please fill in ALL FIELDS within this form. A detailed Accommodation Form should be completed before arrival in New Zealand if you want Global English World to arrange a homestay for you.

When we receive your registration, we will contact you to confirm your placement.

Conditions of Enrolment

1. Enrolments
1.1 Enrolment is subject to the following conditions and becomes a legal contract on acceptance of a student by Global English World, Auckland. 1.2 Enrolment is confirmed when Global English World receives full payment of fees. 1.3 Global English World reserves the right to modify its course arrangements and to alter its specifications and fees without prior notice. 1.4 The minimum enrolment is 2 weeks for tuition and 1 week for homestay. 1.5 Enrolment at Global English World is subject to the school having a class at the appropriate level for the student. Global English World reserves the right to cancel courses and services which do not meet the minimum student number.
2. Fees
2.1 All fees must be received by Global English World 14 days before the course commences. 2.2 Non-payment or not having proof of payment may result in withholding of services by Global English World. 2.3 In the event of absence or early departure from the course, no refund is possible, unless the conditions of Global English World’s Refund Policy are met. 2.4 Students pay for their own textbooks. 2.5 Exam fees for IELTS, TOEIC, and Cambridge examinations are an extra cost. 2.6 All tuition fees include the New Zealand Government Goods and Services Tax (GST) – 15%. Any changes to this tax would affect the quoted fees. 2.7 The usual weekly tuition rates apply for weeks where the dates fall on Public Holidays.
3. Homestay Accommodation
3.1 Homestay accommodation includes morning and evening meals from Monday to Friday and all meals on weekends and Public Holidays. 3.2 Any requests for cancellations or changes to homestay accommodation must be made to Global English World at least 7 days before the cancellation or change. Failure to allow this amount of time may mean an extra payment of 7 days accommodation fee. 3.3 Homestay fees are paid to Global English World at the time of enrolment. 3.4 A fee of NZ$30.00 per week is payable to the homestay family to reserve accommodation during a period of absence. 3.5 In arranging homestays Global English World acts only as an agent. The student is responsible for providing insurance to cover accident, illness or damage to property which may happen during the student’s stay with the host family.
4. School Rules
4.1 The rules of Global English World are to help the Academy run smoothly and students must keep to these rules as a contractual condition of enrolment. 4.2 Should a student not comply with the Academy rules and the laws of New Zealand, the school reserves the right to expel the student. A student can be expelled because of unacceptable conduct, an unsatisfactory attitude towards work or poor attendance. Any expelled student may forfeit all tuition fees. 4.3 Immigration New Zealand will be informed if a student on a student visa is expelled.
5. Assessment of Prospective International Students
5.1 Global English World offers courses at multiple levels. Students may be asked to take a short test as part of the application process. After enrolment and payment of fees, we will send an online placement test. For most students, this will be the Oxford Online Placement test. If a student does not complete this test before arrival at the school, they will do it on their first morning. This test, along with a short interview on arrival at the school, will help us find the correct class for each student. 5.2 Global English World will accept students over 16 years at all times of the year if they meet our enrolment conditions. 5.3 It is important that younger students understand that they will likely be in classes with adults and will be expected to behave accordingly and show respect to other students and staff. All students aged under 18 will need to sign our Rules for Global English World (Under 18s). 5.4 Students under the age of 18 may need to provide evidence of their school record to prove that their academic standards and attitude to study are good enough to complete a Global English World course. 5.5 All students already studying in New Zealand may also need to provide a progress report before their enrolment is accepted. 5.6 Students wishing to take examination courses have to show that they can meet the demands of the course. They may be asked to take a pre-entry test.
6. Liability and Insurance
6.1 Global English World shall not be liable if the services contracted for cannot be provided for reasons beyond its control. 6.2 Global English World reserves the right to change its courses if deemed necessary. 6.3 Global English World is not liable for any damage, loss, or injury to students or property, however caused, except where this liability is imposed by New Zealand law. 6.4 Students must have suitable Medical and Travel Insurance during their time in New Zealand. The insurance must be supplied by a reputable and established insurer with a credit rating no lower than ‘A’ from Standard and Poors or B+ from AM Best. Global English World can purchase for the student from Uni-care insurance suitable for New Zealand circumstances.
7. Minors
Global English World recognises that students under 18 need special care and supervision after school. Host families will be asked to provide this.
8. School Closing Dates
Global English World is open all year except for New Zealand Public Holidays and the weeks of Christmas and New Year. Please contact the school for the exact dates.
8. School Closing Dates
Global English World is open all year except for New Zealand Public Holidays and the weeks of Christmas and New Year. Please contact the school for the exact dates.
9. School Hours
  • Morning Classes: 8.30am – 12noon. Monday to Friday
  • Afternoon Classes: 1.00pm – 3.00pm. Monday to Thursday
  • Friday: 1.00pm – 3.00pm. Students may join the school activity, have free time or do self-study.
10. Change of Address
Students must inform the school if they change where they live. Students under 18 must inform the school if their parents’ address changes.
11. Non-disclosure
Students must provide Global English World with full information about health, behaviour, and learning problems. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the student’s contract to study at Global English World.
12. By accepting the conditions of enrolment, the student agrees to the free use of their image and written references in Global English World promotional material.
13. Validity

Refund and Fee Protection Policy

Refunds of Tuition Fees

For courses up to and including four weeks and six days:
  • If an international student withdraws within the first two days of the course, Global English World may keep up to 50 percent of the total payment made by the student to the school, and must refund the balance.
For courses of five weeks or more but less than three months:
  • If an international student withdraws within the first five days of the course, Global English World may keep up to 25 percent of the total payment made by the student to the PTE for the course, and must refund the balance.
For courses of three months or more:
  • International students: For courses of 3 months or longer, students withdrawing within the first 10 working days of the course will be refunded in full less a deduction for costs incurred by the PTE, up to a maximum of 25% of the total fees paid. Global English World will provide details of the cost components for calculating the maximum deductible percentage. Disputes over the cost component deducted can be referred to the International Education Appeal Authority.
  • Domestic students: For courses of 3 months or longer, withdrawals made within the first 8 calendar days of the course will be refunded in full less a deduction of 10% or $500 payable to the PTE, whichever is the lower amount.
Pre-commencement withdrawals:
  • Students who withdraw before the course commences will also be subject to the above criteria and will be entitled to a refund less any amounts allowed to be retained by Global English World.
Additional conditions:
  • If you are under 18, the refund will be discussed with you, your parents, and your agent to ensure all parties agree.
  • “Withdrawal” means stopping a course entirely. If you leave early for personal reasons or are absent, no refund will be given unless there are compassionate reasons, such as the serious illness or death of a close family member. In such cases, the Directors may use their discretion.
  • No refunds are provided for New Zealand public holidays.
  • No refunds are given if you are expelled due to misbehavior or poor attendance.
  • If your student visa is declined, your fees will be refunded less a $250 administration fee.
  • Fees cannot be transferred to another institution or student.
  • When a refund is made, Immigration New Zealand will be informed, which may affect your visa status.
Refund of Homestay Fees
  • If you move out of your Homestay before the end of your contract, the portion of your Homestay fees not already used will be returned to you. The Homestay Placement Fee of $250 cannot be refunded.
  • To have your Homestay Fees returned, you must write to the Directors giving one week’s notice or pay one week’s fees in lieu of notice.
  • If you cancel your Homestay contract before moving in, your fees will be refunded in full, less the Homestay Placement Fee of $250.
Fee Protection Policy
a) Global English World provides protection against the loss of fees in the event of insolvency, closure, voluntary withdrawal of a course, or withdrawal of school accreditation.
b) The Academy protects student fees by depositing them in a Trust Account managed by the Public Trust. This is a New Zealand Government guaranteed Student Fee Trust Account, with progressive withdrawal of fees by the school during the student’s course. Upon arrival in New Zealand, the student is asked to sign an acknowledgment of the operation of their Student Fee Trust Account.
In the situations described above, Global English World will:
  • Refund the amount in question to the student (or the student’s parent or legal guardian); or
  • If directed by the student or the Code administrator or the agency responsible for fee protection mechanisms, transfer the amount to another signatory as agreed with the student (or the student’s parent or legal guardian).
This refund policy may be changed by Global English World at any time, for example, following changes in NZQA requirements.

Code of Practice

Global English World, Auckland has agreed to observe and be bound by The Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice administered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Copies of the Code are available on request from this institution or from the NZQA website at NZQA Code of Practice.
Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service and can be viewed on their website at www.immigration.govt.nz.
Eligibility for Health Services
Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly-funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health and can be viewed on their website at www.moh.govt.nz.
Accident Insurance
The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents, and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at www.acc.co.nz.
Medical and Travel Insurance
International students must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while studying in New Zealand.

Attendance Policy

All students are required to be at school for 100% of the hours that they have enrolled for.
  • Late Arrival:
      • If students are late for school, they will be marked as late in the attendance register.
      • Students arriving after 10.30am will be marked as absent.
  • Leaving Early:
      • Students who leave school at 10.30am or in the afternoons at 2.00pm will be marked as absent.
  • Absence Notification:
      • Students who wish to be absent must phone or come to the office.
      • If you miss class because you are sick, you will be marked as absent unless you provide a signed medical certificate from a New Zealand registered GP.
  • Holiday Requests:
      • Students must come to the office and ask for permission to take a holiday. If not, they will be marked as absent.
      • Students under 18 must get written permission from their parents to take a holiday.
      • Students on a student visa can only take a holiday after studying for more than 12 weeks. They can then take two weeks holiday for every 12 weeks studied.
  • Attendance Below 90%:
      • If your attendance falls below 90%, you will receive an Attendance Warning Letter.
      • If your attendance does not improve, you will receive a First Warning Letter, followed by a Second Warning Letter.
      • If your attendance continues to be unacceptable, you will receive an Expulsion Notice. If this happens, you will be withdrawn from your course and will need to leave the school and your homestay. Immigration New Zealand will be notified, and your visa may be cancelled.

School Rules

We want all of you to have an incredible time at Global English World, Auckland, to do well in your studies, and to make new friends from all around the world. The following rules will help us achieve these goals and also help to make the school a pleasant place for everyone to study in. All of our rules are based upon the concept of showing respect for everyone, including you!
Respect for Others
  • All students need to respect other students’ personal and religious beliefs and cultural differences, and their right to study.
  • Global English World requires 100% attendance for ALL students regardless of the visa they hold. If you don’t come to class, you can’t learn. If you repeatedly fail to come to class, you will be issued a warning. If you have a student visa, Immigration New Zealand will be advised. Your actual attendance is printed on your Leaving Report.
  • Be ready to start your classes on time. It is very disruptive to your classmates and teachers (and to your learning) if you arrive late for class. If you know you are going to be late or absent, please phone the school on so we know where you are and that you are okay.
Leaving Class
  • It is not okay to leave class part way through. It disrupts the lesson for everyone involved. If you do need to leave the class for a reason, you need to leave your phone on the table.
Use English
  • You need to make an effort to use English at all times in your classroom and in the student room. If you need to speak your own language outside of the classroom, please go outside.
  • All phones must be put on the table in front of you during class time. They must be switched to silent and you should not answer your phone if it rings, send/check text messages, or use Facebook or any other form of social media. Phones can only be used as a dictionary during class time and you must be ready to prove to your teacher and your classmates that it is the dictionary you are using. You cannot engage with the people in your class if you are distracted by your phone.
  • All homework given in class needs to be completed before class the next day. This is part of your student contract. If you do not do your homework, you won’t be able to contribute to the follow-up pair or group work and discussion the following day.
Food and Drink
  • Please do not eat in the classrooms. If you need to have a drink, it needs to be in a cup with a lid or in a drink bottle. In the student room and outside, after eating, please put your food and other waste in the bins provided. Do your own dishes and tidy up after you.
  • You can only smoke/vape in the smoking area. Please put cigarette butts in the bins provided. Do not throw them on the ground. If you are smoking in your car and get out, please do not throw your butt on the ground. This is littering and very offensive. Please wash your hands with soap before going back to class.
Respect for the School
  • Please look after the school grounds and buildings. Don’t intentionally damage the property and please don’t litter. This includes NOT swinging on your chair, which can damage chairs, tables, and walls and cause accidents.
New Zealand Laws
  • You need to follow all New Zealand laws. If you don’t, then you may be asked to leave the school.
  • All students who have a car/motorbike must come to the office and fill in the Student Cars form. No student aged under 18 can buy, drive, or hire a vehicle while a student at Global English World.
Most importantly, all students need to respect the class community and the learning process. Following these rules will help you do this. You need to contribute your ideas and your attention to your classmates and teachers at all times.

School Rules

If you have a complaint or a problem, here are some of the steps you can take:
  • Immediate Contact:
      • If you have a problem, please let us know. You can talk to your teacher or one of our office staff. You can also talk to the School Director.
  • Types of Complaints:
      • Complaints can be about pastoral care, your class, the premises, your teachers, or your homestay. Whatever the complaint, Global English World will try to respond quickly and effectively. We will keep you informed about the status of your complaint.
  • Annual Summary:
      • A summary of complaints received will be published on our website at the end of each year. A copy of this can be requested in writing from info@globalenglishworld.co.nz.
  • Escalating Complaints:
      • If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). More information can be found here.
  • Specific Complaint Forms:
      • If your complaint relates to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021, you can complete an online form here.

School Counsellors

We have school counsellors available to speak to you in your own language. If you need to talk to one, please come to the office and ask for your counsellor’s phone number.

Medical Insurance

We require all students to take out Medical and Travel Insurance. Global English World staff can arrange this for students through Uni-Care.

Public Holidays

    • New Year’s Day: Monday 01 January
    • Day Following: Tuesday 02 January
    • Anniversary Day: Monday 29 January
    • Waitangi Day: Tuesday 06 February
    • Good Friday: Friday 29 March
    • Easter Monday: Monday 01 April
    • ANZAC Day: Thursday 25 April
    • Queen’s Birthday: Monday 03 June
    • Matariki: Friday 28 June
    • Labour Day: Monday 28 October
    • Christmas Day: Wednesday 25 December
    • Boxing Day: Thursday 26 December
    • New Year’s Day: Wednesday 01 January
    • Day Following: Thursday 02 January
    • Anniversary Day: Monday 27 January
    • Waitangi Day: Thursday 06 February
    • Good Friday: Friday 18 April
    • Easter Monday: Monday 21 April
    • ANZAC Day: Friday 25 April
    • Queen’s Birthday: Monday 02 June
    • Matariki: Friday 20 June
    • Labour Day: Monday 27 October
    • Christmas Day: Thursday 25 December
    • Boxing Day: Friday 26 December
The minimum enrolment period is two weeks. All students enrolled for more than 2 weeks must pay for full weeks. This includes students who pay weekly. If you pay weekly, you need to pay for Public Holidays if you choose to be at school that week. This policy applies to each separate occasion a student enrols at Global English World. We have this policy so that we can be fair to all students. Long-term students all pay for Public Holidays.